Would you like the good news or the bad news?Bad news you say? That's not surprising as a recent Harvard University study found that when posed that question 82 per cent of people plumped for the bad news option first.And who are we to go against the findings of such brain boxes.So, the bad news is the weather will start turning for the worse over the next few weeks.The good news is the winter doesn't just mean long dark nights and frosty mornings. It also brings cosy evenings indoors in front of the fire and the delights of Christmas.
And to make the good news even better we've come up with these five tips to help you get your property ready for winter before the weather really turns for the worse.1) Clearing the gutters and drains is probably the last thing on your to-do list, but it's an essential task. Debris such as leaves, twigs and moss can block the drains and once it becomes too much, it can cause leaks into the roof and walls.Making sure the gutters are clear from any possible build-up will minimise the risk of water damage during the wetter months.2) If you have a garage with automatic doors check them regularly as they can often become slow or stop due to lack of use and the cold weather can play havoc with them.3) On the subject of garages, they can often be the starting place for pest and vermin problems seeking shelter from the cold, so keep vigilant for signs that your property has 'squatters.'4) Late September and early October is often the best time to get your boiler and heating system serviced. Leave it until November and December and it could mean you have to wait longer than usual to get GOOD trades people out to you as they'll be busy during this spell.5) Protect your pipes if you haven't already. The ideal way to protect pipes during the winter is with a foam layer called lagging. This will help to prevent them freezing and bursting. The infamous Beast from the East cold spell earlier this year caused a record number of burst pipes due to freezing and the chances of that happening is reduced if you follow this step.You may find you don't have the time, skill or inclination to do all or even any of the above. If that's the case, we have even more good news for you.
Over the years we've built up a trusted network of trades people and services that we're happy to recommend. Just give us a call on 020 8699 5139 and we'd be delighted to share with you.Thanks for reading.BenWhether you are selling, buying, letting or renting, we're here to help. Call us on 020 8699 5139 or email: ben@benjamin-matthews.co.uk for expert advice which is honest, accurate and informative.The infamous Beast from the East cold spell earlier this year caused a record number of burst pipes due to freezing and the chances of that happening is reduced if you follow this step.

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