Tonnes of chocolates, loads of bunnies, bonnets and binging on hot cross buns.That's right folks it's Easter. A time for reinforcing family traditions and in my case probably putting on a few pounds over a long weekend munching on chocolate (that's if my wife and daughters don't nab it all before me).Some Easter traditions around Europe raise an eyebrow or two.For example in parts of the Czech Republic and Slovakia there's an Easter Monday morning ritual of men lightly whipping women! Apparently it's so the women keep their health, beauty and fertility for the next year.However the women get revenge in the afternoon by pouring freezing cold water over the men's heads.All in the name of tradition.Closer to Forest Hill it's also traditionally a time when the property market goes up a gear as the lighter, warmer months approach.There's plenty of confidence in the market in and around SE23 at the moment.I can't see anything on the horizon to change that momentum. Which if you're a homeowner thinking of selling is eggscellent news (sorry couldn't resist it).Thanks for reading and Happy Easter to you all,BenPS: If you want a free, no pressure valuation of your property please don't hesitate to get in touch with me., In Slovakia there's an Easter Monday morning ritual of men lightly whipping women!

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