Spare this idea some thought on how to add value to your propertyDo you have a spare room at home? Is it the room which time forgot? Is it where everything ends up getting stored /dumped or simply forgotten about? It could be housing a vast collection of luggage, boxes of 'stuff' that's bound to come in 'handy' one day or it may house your collection of books you bought before the Kindle/iPad / E reader revolution.Whatever you use it for you need to give it some serious thought if you are thinking of selling.As space is it a premium across London and especially in and around Forest Hill many of the potential buyers we deal with are looking for something with a little extra room, literally.By spending a bit of time, and in some cases a little bit of money, you'll get the most out of the spare room and can make it more attractive to potential buyers.Some transformations which are affordable, easy to do and enhance your home's appeal include:Create a guest room. Even if it's just a box room get a single bed, some nice linen and a smart bedside cabinet with a lamp and hey presto you've created a space which opens up attractive possibilities in the minds of the viewers.Turn the room into a home office. More and more people are working from home or like to have it as an option. A desk, office chair and some shelving turn your 'junk room' into a valued and desirable 'think tank' and home study.Make the space a hobby room. This will shows viewers that your home offers them the space to live out their interests and ticks a big box on many people's property wish lists.Create a toy room. If you have children give them their own space and keep other areas of the house free from the clutter of toys. Just remember to keep on top of keeping it tidy when viewings are arranged.Whatever you decide to do with that extra room, remember available space is a big selling point your home needs to utilise.Once you've given your spare room a personality, what can you do with all that stuff that was housed in there? Easy, even if you don't have a loft or garage, look at renting a small self storage unit while your property is on the market. Thanks for reading and remember if you have any property questions please don't hesitate to call me on 020 8699 5139 or email:, Do you have a spare room at home? Is it the room which time forgot? Is it where everything ends up getting stored /dumped or simply forgotten about?

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