Justina Chatukuta had almost given up on selling her flat in Forest Hill until she saw Benjamin Matthews estate agency mentioned on a Facebook group.Her property had been up for sale with two different agents for almost six months experiencing plenty of let downs before Ben was instructed to market her home.Justina said: “We had been with another agent for a couple of months but an offer we had received fell through. Then we placed the property with another company who had it for four months but managed to raise very little interest with only around one viewing per week.“We were starting to get despondent as we needed to sell to move. Then I saw a post on a local community Facebook group from Ben's wife saying that her husband was an estate agent. We thought he was more likely to be honest and work harder to sell our home as he is a local man with connections to the area.”After an initial meeting which saw Justina describe Ben as very knowledgeable and trustworthy she instructed him hoping it would be third time lucky when it came to choosing agents.Justina continued: “Ben picked up the keys to our place on the Saturday and by the Tuesday we had accepted an offer for the asking price. The deal went through smoothly and we were delighted with Ben's services.“His level of attention was even better than the agents we were dealing with to buy our new property. We didn't have to chase him for updates as he always called us and kept us updated throughout every step of the process.“At the initial meeting he outlined a few things he thought would happen and they did as exactly as he said. I would definitely recommend Ben. He was by far the best agent we instructed.”, Justina Chatukuta had almost given up on selling her flat in Forest Hill.

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