Technology is evolving so quickly that it's hard to predict what will be around next year let alone in 50 years.But at Benjamin Matthews we've dusted off our crystal ball and have jumped onto the internet to look at what homes may look like in 2018.Back in the 1950s writers imagined that the homes of the early 21st century would be spaceship like. Literally.There was a movement of thought back then which suggested that we would be living in circular homes, made from stainless steel with oval windows and robots to help us with chores.While the robots are certainly on the march it would seem, they still haven't arrived yet.And we wonder how disappointed the fifties writers would be to discover that the most popular home across the UK is a three-bedroom semi-detached?Below are three things that prominent futurologists (scientists that look at how they think our future will pan out) predict will be popular in homes in 50 years' time. We think their predictions are pretty ace.Automation – We're experiencing it already, but the homes of the future will be fully automated. Need the curtains drawn? Click here. Want the garden sprinkler to turn on? Just tell your home's remote control and you'll be able to do anything and everything.Compact – Many futurologists predict that future generations will want smaller and smarter homes. For singles and young couples pod style homes featuring two rooms which have multiple functions and clever storage options, are already popping up around the World. Some are even portable.Environmental – All the futurologists we read felt certain that homes built in the future will be extremely environmentally friendly. Better use of wind and Solar power, smarter usage of waste water, sustainable building materials and vastly improved energy efficiency.Unless you have the car from Back to the Future there's no way of knowing for sure what the homes of 2068 will look like. But the above gives us a taste of tomorrow's world.
Thanks for reading,BenWhether you are selling, buying, letting or renting, we're here to help. Call us on 020 8699 5139 or email: for expert advice which is honest, accurate and informative. Back in the 1950s writers imagined that the homes of the early 21st century would be spaceship like. Literally.

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